Don't Discount Flux Core For Entry Users!

by Andy
(Dallas, Tx)

I don't want to start a huge debate on weld quality, etc. with this but don't discount flux core too much.

I work with a lot of high school kids that want to get into welding. Naturally, after running a few beads in the shop, they want to get their own set up.

However, getting a full mig setup can get pricey with a tank and regulator, not to mention the recurring cost of gas. I try to encourage a quality machine that has both flux core and mig capabilities.

They can then run thousands of feet of weld very cheaply with flux core while they are working on their technique. No, the welds are quite as pretty but the processes (and trial/error) are still the same.

When they get better and have a little more money, they can always add gas.

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May 03, 2016
Equipment NEW
by: Robert

I use both, gas in my shop and flux core outside.
Have a Miller 180 mig, 210 mig, 300 Tig with water cooled tourdh, Miller 250 Bob Cat and a Miller 230 volt Plasma .
Can do it all 😃😎

Feb 21, 2016
by: Anonymous

I believe this is a great idea. I bought my first welder that takes flux core and has the gas attachment so I can add the gas when I want to. I have plenty experience with oxy/acetylene welding, my dad was a "bodyman" as a profession. He always used this method for welding due to the fact that mig and tig were way out of his price range and back then you could still weld a panel on.

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