What Welding School Doesn't Teach!

by Aaron Pourhassanian
(Yorba Linda California )

I've been a welder at a hazmat refinery for over 10 years and I have to say no amount of school will prepare you for the field. No offense to anyone.

Welding in a controlled invironment is a very good way to practice for your certification but getting some hands on experience in pipe layout or tank layout is gonna get you to the next level.

A thing I used to do to practice was just copying stuff that was already done around my shop, and when I say that I mean building a davit arm or if you don't work at a shop the plumbing under your sink or at your air conditioning unit.

If you have a air compressor try building a solid air line out of whatever material you choose but running it along the walls and around different objects. Anything like this will help you for actual layout work. And if I can help any other way let me know.

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Dec 26, 2016
Re What Welding School Doesn't Teach NEW
by: Anonymous

You are right on with your comment. Just because you passed your driver's test and now are the proud owner of a driver's license doesn't mean you know what you are doing.

First time I saw a welder in action I thought, "Right, just make a bright light and stick stuff together". Little more to it than that. Geometry, physics, more knowledge of construction and stress than a journeyman carpenter, having the balls to tell an engineer his plan won't work, and on and on................

If you are welding and you stop learning then you have failed.

Trying to find a rear axle ventilation fitting with a weird thread pitch without paying the dealer $30; finally occurred to me to use the original fitting (.9mmpitch) drill it out and use a piece of 3/16 brake line soldered in.

Dealer cost- $30
My cost- $2.00
Result- priceless.

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