Excercise Bike Project Thoughts

That looks well made for sure, the rods allow for partial removal, for maybe a seat for your wife. Also the cup holder may cause your nose to trip over the space bar.

I know when I make something I have it in my mind and I don't figure in time to take pictures. I'm too focused I guess. I don't know how putting a lap top on an exercise bike is advantageous, or why the use of such strong steel is required to support a laptop. When I am pedaling my eyes would not be able to read text. I certainly wouldn't be able to type.

I guess my comments are why I hardly get started on anything, I talk my self out of it before I get going on it.

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Apr 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

The rods are just guides and supports to hold it in place. so it can be removed for viewing the computer control unit.

The reason for incorprating the two is to combine two things into one. I can exercise and work at the same time. Instead of burning an hour on the exercise bike, I can burn an hour on the exercise bike, and get some other work done as well. So, combining the two works for me, but maybe not others.

As for the use of such "strong" steel for the project, it was left over material from another project and was readily available for this project. So, I didn't have to go the steel yard and search for what was needed, I just grabbed the leftover from it and made this one.

Hope these answers make it clear as mud?! :)

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