Hand Rails From Fence Posts

by James Darrell Miller
(Bowling Green,Ky.)

Hand Rails

Hand Rails

I made these hand rails from some old fence posts and it sure was not easy welding them together with a Arc Welder and a Flux Mig Welder but I finally got it down and it looks OK. This type of metal post is very thin and hard to weld on so I had to weld a little and then let it cool or spray water on the weld to cool it down so it would not have big holes melted in the pipe. That also happened a time or two before I completed this home welding project. Now I have some hand rails at home to help me up the steps.

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Nov 09, 2013
welding pipe
by: Anonymous

Next time, use a holesaw with the same diameter as the pipe, cut it in half where the hole is, and then the pipe fits nicely,over the other one, then you have a nice tight fit,with no openings.

Jan 03, 2012
Simple Pipe
by: payman

Hi. It is better that you select simple pipe with constant thickness and first clean the joint. Select size and type of electrode is very important that indicate and guide you for select voltage and amperage.

Sep 16, 2011
were did you find the post
by: Anonymous

Love your rails but were did you find the steel post like this??
Thank you from another Ky boy.

Aug 07, 2011
Great Job!!!
by: Anonymous

Great Job! I had hip surgery a few years ago and reallized how important hand rails can be. One of the problems with old pipe is what was inside it and what was it coated with. Galvanized pipe is hard to weld and deadly to breath. Grind off where you are going to weld and make sure you have fresh air to breath and a cold beer when you're done.

Oct 17, 2010
stitch weld
by: mike

Next time you might try a stitch weld.Do a small bead skip a small space maybe two inches maybe ore. You could also weld a little on one post
and weld a little on the other post. Back and forth. I have a gasoline welder that goes from 60-150 amp. Makes it hard to weld sheet metal,so I bought a carbon arc torch. Now I can braze with my arc welder. Also great for heating up metal.

Oct 16, 2010
Hand Rails
by: Bluesssman

I think you were either trying to weld with the wrong equipment or your settings were off, thus your need to cool the welds.

I do like the finished product!

Oct 16, 2010
by: Anonymous

veary nice i know how to weld but never done fences dont know how to plant the post or leavel them dont really know how to started can you or anybody out there help thank you.

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