Weld the easy way!

by Phylo
(New Orleans)

The easiest way to set your wire speed...

Solid Wire - Get yourself a piece of scrap you can weld on a little and set it grounded. Set your heat to where you want it, and turn the WS all the way down. Hold your nozzle angled on the scrap with one hand, turn your head and pull the trigger. As long as you have a good insulator, go ahead and touch your nozzle. Now with your other hand turn your WS up until it buzzes the way you want it to. Take a time or two and set it, this wont take long. Don't let it puddle up too much in one spot. When you like the way it sounds put your hood on and weld a pass on the scrap and see how it does. You might decide to tweak it a little bit, but sometimes it's just right.

Flux Core-Same thing. Except you dont want FC to buzz. More like hissing, but you can smooth it out. The less sound it makes, the better.

Nothing to it. It seems like I see a lot of people having a hard time setting their machine, and taking a long time doing it. This way is easy, fast, works, and it'll get you going...

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Apr 21, 2016
Waste of time and dangerous NEW
by: Anonymous

This is how to burn your eyes and hands. Even if it did work to get the "sound like you want it" you will end up with nothing but burnt fingers and eyes from the flash and not wearing a welding hood and welding gloves. Dumb ass idea.

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