Wire feeding is easier said than done. It's generally implied that it is easier than other welding processes such as gas welding and tig welding.
Of course, wire feeding is automated, but the user still has to control the speed and penetration of the weld. And more importantly is metal preparation and joint fit-up.
MIG, or gas metal arc welding as it is also called, is one of the most commonly used methods to implement wire feeding in the welding processes. It does not matter that you are starting in the welding industry or just expanding your home workshop, GMAW makes sure that the process is never a headache and all you get is more productivity.
The fundamentals are explained in depth and in a consummate manner so that you are well familiar with the technique and build your knowledge at the same time.
The videos for starting the arc, arc gap, arc force, rod angles, travel speed, rod movement, and setting the amperage are done in a close up manner for greater clarity.
Crystal clear video and images of the actual welds, graphic illustrations, and detailed explanations make way for ensuring the practical knowledge of the welding machine, filler material (wire), shielding gases, and metal transfer.
GMAW, when performed properly, will provide you with a weld that is shaped according to the demands of the situation by regulating the heat and the gas in such a manner so as to produce the right arc for the situation at hand.
Also, there are close up demonstrations that show the workings of the all-position Short Circuit Transfer. Along with that is wire extension, wire feed gun movement, direction of travel, travel speed, and adjusting the voltage and wire speed so that the metal transfer is optimal. Higher voltage spray transfer is also taught to the user for the industrial processes that the user may be a part of.
This DVD shows you flat, vertical, horizontal, and overhead welding positions. Plus, you'll see weld joints, metal preparation, and joint fit-up in high definition so that you can capture the finite details.
This DVD is highly regarded like all of the DVD's we have by trade schools and certified instructors world wide.
This GMAW wire feeding welding DVD is a great way for beginners and intermediate wleders to keep pace with the advantages offered by these superior welding techniques. But this does not mean that the advanced user will feel left out. There's plenty of material for the advanced user too.
The beginner and the intermediate user will find this video to be a huge advantage.
DVD Length: 44 minutes.
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